Updating my name
Hi everyone, Tim here. Formally the artist known as "dead is better" (which was a stupid line out of 'Pet Cemetery' btw).
Anyway moving on, hows everyone enjoying being back at the clubs? I know i freakin' am. Lockdown equated to too much time to make too many load combos to try.
Latest loads include 6.5mm 147 m's (because somebody hoovered up all the 143's :thumbsup: and H4831 (in lieu of RL26 that im dying to try) using Norma, a change from Lapua.
Also keen to see how the AMP annealed stuff goes too
Pets worldwide will rejoice Tim.
Welcome back, err, did you leave?
Na just pulled a prince and renamed myself (something more normal haha). Whenever there was something serious to discuss i was always regretting my former forum tag.
Will we get to see an avatar with more pastries though ?
I hope you haven’t gone all decathlete on us and had a nip tick as well.