RAW images instead of jpeg images. jpegs are processed from RAW images by your camera. This means the camera applies an amount of noise reduction, sharpening, colour correction, etc. based on its standard settings (or based on the in camera settings for a particular scene / mode you have chosen). If you take RAW images you use a post processing program (like adobe lightroom or photoshop) to apply any corrections or adjustments based on the RAW camera image before you export it as a jpeg to get it printed. Typically you can't just go into Harvey Norman and get the machine to print RAW images.
If you are doing post processing I find the RAW image much, much nicer to deal with and so for me personally I wouldn't bother with a camera without RAW capability unless it had a specific purpose (say an underwater camera or a video camera).
If you aren't doing any post processing on the computer then you will never need RAW capability.