i picked up a canon EOS 600D a few years back and its been to some places! some of the best images have been taken on that camera, I've since moved on to a Canon 7D but still rate the wee 600. Advice, get what you can afford, be it canon or Sony or what ever, just really learn the camera then get better glass / lens, it doesn't have to be silly expensive and shop around, it can be addictive!
like the others have alluded too, do you want something that you point and shoot or do you at some stage want to try a little bit of control over the camera? is size and weight going to be an issue or can you spare a bit of space in the pack?
I now look at 600 and think its small in comparison and is almost a pack camera, but when i first picked it up, i thought Fark its massive and how do i learn all this stuff, but you soon will, the great thing is being digital, if you don't like the shot, "delete"