Christ, you guys believe EVERYTHING you read or see is to be true and above board?
All media manipulate the story to sell more papers/advertising or promote their own agenda, ie:
There MUST have been WMDs in Iraq.
The Americas Cup IS a good use of taxpayers money.
The SkyCity convention centre IS needed in Auckland.
There will be photos and stories on this forum where the photo has been taken/modified to hide the road, car, fence, farm paddock, 8 wire batten fence etc to not give the whole picture, either where, when or how the animal was hunted/shot (there is a difference).
In fact I'm probably guilty of cropping out a few fence/boundary markers myself.
Hunting TV shows are even better for using stock footage and 'placing' animals nearby, as they have budgets and timeframes to work to.
So NZHunter has been caught out.
It would be good if Greg can be given a chance to reply.