Dont believe everything you read in the magazines haha.
what you send in may not be what goes to print!!
Top marks for the photoshop skills though!
Dont believe everything you read in the magazines haha.
what you send in may not be what goes to print!!
Top marks for the photoshop skills though!
From private block to wilderness you reckon?
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
The story that's going around is that the poor writer sent in a story a couple of years ago about a 10pt ruahine stag hunt but the editor didn't think it was good enough to grace the mag and decided to photoshop a pic of a gisbourne private pine block stag and tweak the story to match. makes you wonder how much of this goes on , do you trust anything you read now
Those that can do - Those that can't bitch about those that can
Very good photoshop , you would be very silly to think the animals in some of the story's are actually shot where they say or appear to have been shot. "I just shot a 50x50 Wap out back of mates pine block verse I just shot a 50x50 Wap in the heart of fiord land. I wonder which would sell more copies??
Blahaha hahahahhaahhaha
I just did a little wee laughing LOL
Only thing better would have been if there we a fence in the background
Next thing will be poses with someone else's animal...
The bloke in the picture is a top bloke. Pretty sure he didnt instigate this.
I can't make out who it is on my phone, but regards the knobs been snapped hahahah
I meant 'main hunter' that was flown in
I would have thought that in this day and age you would be off your rocker to try and pull the wool. Everyone knows everyone and most animals are on mates phones via pxt before the guts are even out.
Wonder if they will take photos from different angles and claim 5 different deer like some losers have tried LOL
I would have asked for my bald spot to be photoshoped , it's a cracker head anyway you look at it
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
So what mag did this happen in?