G'day team, Tauranga local. I've spent plenty of time behind the camera in a range of industries, magazine, home, luxury yachts & travel. I don't have the equipment for long distance zoom, slow motion impact shots but I do have a fair amount of gear/equipment and am capable of putting together some tip top images and class videos.
Fairly green to hunting, I've been out a handful of times and have collected 2 spikers and a hind. I learn quickly and understand how difficult each phase is - locating, executing, extracting, butchering. A lot of time on youtube & forums gave me the confidence to give it a nudge and growing up shooting small game gave me some basic fundamentals. I love this shit, the more difficult & challenging the better. I enjoy working for something and the pay off it provides.. if it doesn't succeed i like the obsession and reflection and taking those learnings into the next one.
I'm still at the early stages of both hunting and exploring NZ hunting areas.. with an abundance to learn I wanted to put myself out there as available to message for anyone keen on some photos or footage of their hunting trips. Whether you're taking your children/partner, chasing trophies, or filling the freezer if you want those memories on a HD, highlight reel, or you want a hunting partner for the trip or the carry out - flick me a message.
I have all my own gear & licenses and a strong level of fitness. I'm not looking to break anyones bank, if you've got some knowledge and are happy to slip a few salamis this way then lets do it. If you are interested in professional coverage I'd be happy to create a package offering, varying on travel and other factors $$. I'm waiting on a shoulder operation and have picked up some casual contracts in the meantime to offset the bills - this means I'm very flexible with dates.
Looking forward to hearing from anyone this interests.