Have my 60th coming up, Missus pulled some old photos out ,this is me at 28 in 1989 .Where Am I,can you guess by date & Co'ords off marker with out Google-Foo??
At the time was one of the remotest places on earth ,where leprosy was still out of control among the locals & albinos were boiled alive & the "soup" drunk to provide mystery powers to those who imbibe, "Black Magic" ruled .A hunting & shooting paradise spent 3 years exploring on & off due to on going fighting ,Monsoon seasons & access to supplies etc, some of the best times of my life & very proud of what we did .
We would travel by paddled canoe with locals hired as interpreters & more importantly to calm down remote villages who had never seen a white man & thought we were spirits come to steal their souls.
Never slept without a loaded gun beside you as it was not unusual for the old 6th sense to wake you to locals creeping into camp armed with Blow pipe, spears or Bow & Arrow ,you wore a large sheath knife always.
We slept under what was just the old open sided Army Marques & you slept on Swags & Mossie nets no sides so you could get a breeze to fight the 90% humidity & high temps.
Anyone remember those old Hard Yakka & Rugger work shorts & shirts