I just ordered 2x M80BLX from CAMLOCKbox
Including security cases and Python locks - under $400us
I just ordered 2x M80BLX from CAMLOCKbox
Including security cases and Python locks - under $400us
Anothe one just to keep the thread fresh
Just a slopy retrobate
Thats a great picture 'sneeze' its taken not far from where you live?????
Yes it is, its a part of the farm that was cleared in the late sixties, I helped my father sow it by hand when i was a little lad. Its mostly tall manuka now with the rare little clearing like this that Iv stumbled on.
Just a slopy retrobate
I thought I recognised the u shaped valleys from around that area...The are distinctive.
Just put a friends Trail camera out today watching over a well used Sika wallow,
the young stags still sniff around a bit and there's a hind or 20 around so someone please remind me in three weeks and I will go get it.
Iv just sent the missus 3 weeks ahead in the Delorean. Shes going to send you a PM then ( and maybe a lemon sponge if ur lucky)
Just a slopy retrobate
Thanks Sneeze, Id like to send mine three weeks back, she lost her sense of humor and I'm buggered if I can find it.....
My missus seems to still have hers ,I told her Id be fine for three weeks on my own till time caught up, I heard her laughing all the way to 88 mph.
Just a slopy retrobate
That laugh I know, she has your credit card.
This is the ltl acorn 6210 at work with the mms feature. note the time on the info bar. Quality isnt flash but it saves it the sd card aswell.
Just a slopy retrobate
This is a bit adictive, just been out on the boat and I get this pixt from the ltl acorn.
Just a slopy retrobate
Now i want one that pxts me.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time