I had a few spare moments this Christmas morning, so shot down to work to take my new Rem 700 338 Edge out of the stock from bedding it yesterday.
It has lightened Rem 700 short action, light weight firing pin & shroud, fluted bolt & barrel, McMillan Hunters Edge stock, side bolt release, Trueflite Ultra Match 26" barrel & T2 Terminator muzzle brake.
It weighs 3.070 kgs bare, 3.135 with the rail, 3.890 with the scope, so 8.6 lbs with MK4, NF UL rings & Alumina caps.
It's single shot, ejects fired cases no problem, only loaded rounds need to be removed with the bolt, which is where the side bolt release comes in.
I haven't shot it yet, thought that might be pushing it a bit today ;)