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Thread: T2 & T3 Terminator Muzzle Brakes VS a Magnum Suppressor

  1. #1
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    T2 & T3 Terminator Muzzle Brakes VS a Magnum Suppressor

    We made another video today, comparing the T2 & T3 Terminator muzzle brakes to a magnum suppressor on a 7-375 Ruger shooting Berger 180 Hybrids at 3150 fps.

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  2. #2
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Would I be correct in saying most recoil reduction from a suppressor is from the added weight?

    Obviously gases get a chance to expand and cool(lowering volume and pressure) out of a suppressor but all the gas is still coming out the front like the bum of a rocket just over a longer time period.

    Would be interesting if you could attach a weight the same as the suppressor to a naked barrel for comparison, I expect the suppressor to be better due to slowing of the gasses but not by much as the volume is similar(minus cooling effect of the suppressor)
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  3. #3
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    Would I be correct in saying most recoil reduction from a suppressor is from the added weight?

    Obviously gases get a chance to expand and cool(lowering volume and pressure) out of a suppressor but all the gas is still coming out the front like the bum of a rocket just over a longer time period.

    Would be interesting if you could attach a weight the same as the suppressor to a naked barrel for comparison, I expect the suppressor to be better due to slowing of the gasses but not by much as the volume is similar(minus cooling effect of the suppressor)
    I did these ones ages ago now, really shows it up.


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  4. #4
    308 is offline
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    I like the way that you add the suppressor onto the sliding gun chassis so that it is added onto the weight of the whole package when measuring felt recoil - as a suppressor user it shows me how much of my felt recoil is associated psychologically with noise

    People can quibble about various suppressor weights but the point is made and certainly a brake is better the higher calibre you go

    So now I know that I'm really shooting to mitigate noise more than recoil and I am perfectly at peace with that fact.

    If I ever go the LR/375/Cheytac route I'd be buying one of your brakes for sure except I just blew $900 on a suppressor hahaha ohfuck

    BTW, is it always blowing its tits off at your range?

  5. #5
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    If the bipod is fixed to the rig any weight of the supressor is void is it not?

  6. #6
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post

    BTW, is it always blowing its tits off at your range?

    Yep our range is pretty nasty for wind

    Just go to the bench rest champs & watch the paddock full of flags going nuts when it isn't even blowing..........FFS...

    Then go look at some of the groups & stare in complete amazement, man some of those guys/gals can shoot
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  7. #7
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    If the bipod is fixed to the rig any weight of the supressor is void is it not?
    No because the heavier the firearm is the less it recoils.

    To be fair the weight of the suppressor should be on the rig at all times.

    It can be difficult to attach them nicely & yesterday I couldn't be bothered, I will with the one I do today.

    My "proper" not "visual" test rig, is 15-20lbs without the firearm, it moves very little compared to this one

    It gives extremely repeatable results over 3-5 shots, typically less than 2-3mm but would be like watching paint dry on a video.
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  8. #8
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
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    I used a 300 RUM lightweight Senator stock couple of weekends ago shooting LR...it was a lot lighter than my HSP SPL.

    It had a Terminator T2, it was nose bleed loud.... but what we could not get over was the lack of any felt recoil. Couple of Americans were with us that do a lot of shooting and hate shooting the 300RUM but have to due to work from time to time...their jaws didn't get off the ground with how well the T2 worked.

  9. #9
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tikka7mm08 View Post
    I used a 300 RUM lightweight Senator stock couple of weekends ago shooting LR...it was a lot lighter than my HSP SPL.

    It had a Terminator T2, it was nose bleed loud.... but what we could not get over was the lack of any felt recoil. Couple of Americans were with us that do a lot of shooting and hate shooting the 300RUM but have to due to work from time to time...their jaws didn't get off the ground with how well the T2 worked.
    Yes the big cases through small brakes can be quite aggressive but as you say recoil is minimal
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  10. #10
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
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    The owners mum came out and smacked a bullseye at 1000y with it...and she is a little lady. Can't say more than that.



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