Hi all, I have been trying to keep on eye on this and thought I would answer a few things directly. We have a limited number of MollyMe's in stock which we can offer to people needing them before Xmas, but very limited! I have no Ranger Green in stock so sorry to anyone who needed one ASAP. We have allocated production space for this order starting the 17th December and will run though into when we come back on the 7th Jan and will be finished hopefully by the end of that 1st week back providing no hold ups.
We can offer pouches on them. The main utility pouches people use are the following: 4 x 3 stacker, small utility, medium utility, medium GP (shown in images on @Stocky setup), MollyMe pouch and we are also making in the new year a spotting scope pouch for the side panel. There are various radio, GPD, EPIRB/PLB pouches we do which will also fit, basically any MOLLE mounted pouch. If you are interested in pouches you can email direct at matt@twinneedle.co.nz and we can also offer a small deal on then but will keep it separate from the bulk pack order. Again we have limited stock so please be aware some items will go on back order and we are at max capacity until February at this stage - Anyone need a job and can sew???????? we are actually in need of extra staff if anyone is looking.
We can look at hunters belt deals too, but lets get this one sorted first. The Hunters Belt work perfectly with the MollyMe pack and wont interfere with each other.
Any questions fire me an email as its easier for me to respond rather than on the forum but do check this site too.
Matt - TwinNeedle