Do Dunninghams do gluten free I couldn't find it on there website
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Same with DMD meals. They’re clearly marked GF
Garlic and herb, chorizo, lamb and mint (venny and lamb trimmings), bratwurst, cracked pepper and merlot.
There’s heaps there on that link. You’ll know which ones will go with venny. To be honest, there’s normally that many herbs and spices that you could pretty much use any meat and not really tell what it is. Pork back fat pretty key as well. I have just used lamb fat before and it was fine also
Where is the best value casings purchased?
Dunninghams if you buy in bulk, but they can be a pain to untangle how much you need.
I used these last time. Makes 50kg and cost $60. Come on plastic tubes so you have zero untangling to do.
Casing Boutique seems like the cheaper deal.
Thanks guys. Did 20kg over the weekend but the casings from didn't have much stretch in the and ripped real easy. Still tasty but
They were sheep casings
I use the synthetic casings, no pre soaking or rinsing just slide them on the tube, seem to tie up good and just wet them before you hang up in the chiller for a day or so
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I'm a big fan of the QI bratwurst mix in the siver pouch. Its a nice balance of flavor without, i do add an extra helping of crushed white pepper corns for a little extra bite.
I like the venison meal it only comes in 5 kg bags witch is fine for me and dose keep for a long time the other tip t have is I use a stainless paint / plaster mixer that goes in the end off a drill to mix the season into the meat.