Everyone knows how to make em right?
Bet we all do it different.
Heres mine.
Ideally I would have started with the best wild bacon in the world but all I had was the worst ever shoulder bacon from the supermarket(missus bought it) this stuff was that shit im sure it was made from trimmings pressed together like budget"ham".
Need butter......... real butter not Marge cos it tastes like shit
Fry bacon till a bit browned.
Whack some fresh bread in the toaster(i like stuff with grain in it but what ever is around)
Its important to toast cos then it will soak up more butter and not go soggy
After its soaked up as much butter as it will reasonably hold give a light smear of "glasseye creek" sauce on one slice and colemans original mustard on the other.
Slap together with two to four slices of bacon (egg optional) and enjoy.
PS my cholesterol is fine cos Iv never had it checked
Whats your fav bacon buttie?