We got the Boys onto a couple of Canadas today & they did famously
I got wet, over my Gaiters retrieving the far one
I breasted & legged them
Now the $87,000 question, whats the best way to cook them ???
We got the Boys onto a couple of Canadas today & they did famously
I got wet, over my Gaiters retrieving the far one
I breasted & legged them
Now the $87,000 question, whats the best way to cook them ???
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
cubed into about 1" size....coat with beer batter...see edmonds cook book... and cook quickly in deep dish frypan of oil or campoven with same....I like mine done just untill they dont leak red when probed.
Or cut them in to schnitzel, fry em up and eat with hollandaise sauce
You can make anything taste good using a slow-cooker...
Dice into bite sized pieces, make sure they're small enough so the dog doesn't choke on them, throw over shoulder to keep dog at bay whilst preparing venison for consumption
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
cut into cubes, put in crockpot with herbs and spices and a rock.
boil for 24 hours. when the rock goes soft, eat the rock
In all honesty its probably very nice, I was made to eat a shit tonne of wild Goose, Turkey and Pheasant when I was a wee nipper and its put me right off trying it again as I hated it all at the time so much its left a fowl taste in my mouth to this day
you see what I did there...
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
I butterfly the breast and fry like a steak, most incredible meat I have eaten, better than venison.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Cook goose breast just like a steak. It gets tough and livery tasting if you over cook it. I t makes great kabobs on the grill.
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the best I found was pounded into schnitzel then flour egg and bread crumb coated
pair it with a red wine based sauce
right you pagans and naysayers -hers a couple of my DIY best fart canada combos .
firstly aint no Annabel Langbein OK free range cook me arse .mind you she could sit on my perch!
grab a couple of good size onions-chop em and caramelise in a hot pan,remove and set aside. when you get those breasts chill em in the fridge for 24hrs pre cooking.marintating them in goo of your choice is fine(even in waikato beer!!!)
remove the breasts ,slice very thinly across the grain ala stir fry style -add with a little extra oil to a hot pan and cook em off.
deglaze pan with marinade etc or whatever -boil into a gravy /sauce and set aside .
right grab some long hot dog buns -slice length wise -ladel on butter ,goose slices onions sauce and 2,4,6,8 bog in dont wait .
sluice remnant down ya guts with liquid of ya choice!!
rightyo -rcovered from that gutsache and the killer farts?? good o!
heres one to impress the ma in law.
get yaself some ready rolled pastry ,some sausage meat seasoning etc etc .if any nosey bastard asks -make out youre a new age bloke "oh i just thought id make a tray of sausage rolls -its a loverly day for a meaningful baking experience...........
grab the kitchen whiz -chuck in sausage meat and a couple of diced goose breasts ,seasoning etcetc and blitz itup
rool out pastry -make lines of meat on it -roll em up like a tube ,cut to size ,onto baking tray and into hot oven.!
when theyre nice and golden bring em out and then hoe in before every other cove earts your labours!
last time i made these 99%of the crowd had never even seen a canada let alone eaten any wildfowl.
fuck me rigid they were lickin the pattern off the plate! and demanding seconds.
great mate had an old bird in boot of his car -enroute home from shooting hed just called in to drop some stuff off , but we resisted the temptation to really wind that crowd up!!
there ya go thats a couple of mine-enjoy .
PS-bloody beautiful too with heaps of vege as a stew in the slow cooker -more so the older birds.
@kotuku you are slipping mate, I could read pretty much all of that!
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