I started with a bit over a kilo of beef chuck steak.
This is the meat on the ribs under the shoulder and up the start of the neck, it is full of connective tissue and slow cooked it is melt in the mouth tender and delicious.
Slow cooker on high.
Browned the chuck steak on very high heat in a pan with high smoke point oil.
Sliced up into large( otherwise it will fall to bits and be soup) mouthful sized bits....into slow cooker.
I used a continental cup a soup hearty beef flavor and a vegetable oxo cube in boiling water to almost cover but whatever you have in the pantry or fridge.
Cooked a couple of slices of bacon in the same pan and rough diced and added to slow cooker.
Added about a third of a roccoto chilly (done out of sight of the wife)
And about a table spoon of curry powder.
And a few good grinds of cracked pepper.
Rough diced a big onion and browned in the pan, added about a teaspoon of ginger paste and a table spoon of garlic paste(very mild galic).
De glazed the pan with some quality beer....you could also use a red wine I guess.
And into the slow cooker...you want all the meat just covered with stock.
Also added some chopped carrots and would have added some mushroom and leeks but didn't have any.
Leeks are great for oniony flavor but have the huge benifit of being a thickener in stews/currys.
Lid on and pour some hot water on lid just a bit....this hurrys up the water seal of the lid.
It really doesn't matter what goes in here(oh I added some mustard powder too) but get it all in at the start and let it go for at least a few hours.
After that check/taste. Add salt if needed more heat if needed and veg if wanted
After about an 40min-hour or the first sign of bubbling down to low and let it chooch for minimum 3 hours or more.......will update soon ish.