Hi there, just after some info anyone on here make there own dehydrater meals. If so do you find it would save more than buying backcountry meals.
Hi there, just after some info anyone on here make there own dehydrater meals. If so do you find it would save more than buying backcountry meals.
dehydrator from briscoes is about 70 on special, make your own beef jerky, its great on trips.
Yea ive done a quick calc it seems more cost effective to make your own vs buying meals long term and the meals arent cheap.
yep and the ready made dehy meals are full of evil vege !
You can buy dehydrated veges at Countdown. Cheap as, if you want them. Also dehydrated mash potatoes. Not the best, but very handy.
Ohk never seen the vege one tho ill keep an eye next time
And dried fruit can add a lot of nutrition without heaps of extra weight.
And biltong - never leave home without some!
years back we went to the butchers and bought lots of nice meat, by means of a bottle of scotch convinced a uni student to nitrogen freeze it.
it stayed frozen for ages and when we wanted it defrosted we just left it in the river inside its plastic bag in the morning and ate it at night
yep instant "mash" is tolerable. vege is not
Shit nitro aye that def outside the box lol
It will always be cheaper in the long run making your own meals. But it's the convenience factor you pay for with the likes of back country. Some options are better flavour and nutritient wise than others. That's personal preference.
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I got my dehydrator second hand for half of fuck all
turning crappy cuts of beef into jerky is awesome
Dried fruit (banana chips and berries etc) in dry porridge weighs next to nothing and is fairly nutrient dense for the weight. That's breakfast I know, but just an idea. Pronutro is king there though, originally developed specifically for emergency famine relief in Africa
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