Chelsea Sorry to hear of the accident .I have had multiple broken ribs due to my long time hobbies/sports of Competing/Sparring in Taekwondo & Off Road Motorcycle racing & Sky Diving .From someone who has fucked up the healing process before & payed the price with Flail Chest after racing after busting a couple & could have finished my love of Scuba Diving .
DO NOT rush back to exertion early, so no PPL Pulling/Pushing/Lifting of anything for a fortnight after ,even making beds, hanging clothes etc .Ice pack it to help with swelling /pain control & TAKE the pain/anti inflammatory as directed even if you do not think you need them. Smoothies & Soups are what l found best for eating the first couple of weeks after.
Take a Fiber supplement like Metamucil etc & drink as much water as you can handle, as the pain killers will bind you up & any strain will hamper healing,keep taking it for a couple of months .Do all your breathing exercises & now you will have to be extra careful with Chyna Flu prevention etc that would be a worst case scenario & hospital bound for sure,guy l raced bikes with punctured a lung with a coughing fit from a mild cold, while recovering 5 weeks later .IMO l would look at isolating myself as much as possible until Xmas as l would not wish busted ribs & something like Covid on my worst enemy & it would be long term hospital care for certain .I hate taking medication of any sought but l would be asking the Doctor for the strongest anti inflammatory/pain killers possible while we are faced with this covid cluster fuck to aid recovery ASAP.
Good luck with the healing,if you have a pool/Spa l found light water resistance exercise was the best healer,wrap the ice packs in cloth to make it more bearable on the rib cage, .If you have any questions just PM me .
