Home alone now so can cook what I want how I want it.[emoji41]
This may not look much but oh my god this is the best thing I have eaten all year or maybe even for many years.
It was so good it will never be repeated.... you know its like when you make yourself the perfect coffie and think that was so good I will have another and make another exactly the same but its only ordaniarialy good.[emoji107]
stingray was kind enough to drop off a couple of crays and paua the otherday and while we had eaten the legs and tails I had kept the bodys in the fridge and I painstakingly removed all the body meat from them onto a plate.
Thinly sliced paua onto plate.
Good chunk of garlic butter into pan, half a bottle of cream, fair bit of chilli powder and smoked paprika powder and ground black pepper a sprinkle of salt and simmered till reduced by half stiring constantly then added crayfish meat and sliced paua.
Almost imidiately scooped out into a bowl.
As I said it dont look much but DAM that was good!
Joe I fucken nailed it. The paua was that tender it could have been fed to a new born baby(well maybe without the chillie)
Thanks again Stingray.[emoji4]
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