Mmmm kingfish steaks
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Tonight's feast.
Attachment 61303
Oh hell Pete, that is just tormenting us.
Dinners at 8 @Rushy
Don't be late ........ Those beauties will be gone a few minutes after ;)
Change of plans.
Had my son from Wellington ring.
Kinda went like this.......
What you doing Dad?
Just cleaning up after a dive
Did you get anything?
Pfffft! What do you think?
I'll be home on Friday night, save some you fat bastard!
You can Bloody get your own, you know where the Sea is.
I'm brining home my new Girlfriend, she's neve tasted Paua and I need you to make a good impression for me.
So this
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Got turned into this
Attachment 61311
Which was then packed into my Tupperware Pattie Makers which I scored from a Fair for $1. ( see hun they did come in handy) ;)
Attachment 61312
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Then into the freezer until Friday nights BBQ, where I'm sure to impress said new Girly ....... At least until I strip to my undies and do my infamous high jump belly flop into the pool that is :P
Sitting around on the couch in your gruds with your feet up and a scotch in hand will make the right impression Pete
I use an egg and about a table spoon of flour.
I also add about 1/2 an onion.
Your on to it.:thumbsup:
That always impresses my wife too so I'm sure that will impress a potential daughter in law.
Still slumming it here....
Butterflyed Salmon steak briefly seared.
Smoked snapper fillet.
Lightly fried in butter button mushrooms.
Give it a week or so and the wifes chicken nibbles and chips menu will kick back in [emoji30]
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Go Mrs Webber!!!!Attachment 61317
Ok so tonight's dinner choise number 2.
Homemade Venison sausages and freshly picked sweetcorn.
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