Last night Cray fish tail and Salad followed by hot apple pie and ice cream.
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Last night Cray fish tail and Salad followed by hot apple pie and ice cream.
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I should have taken a photo last night
1 kilo steak so blue that hindu's were still praying to it
3 chicken drums
2 sausages
.....and a potato
well i just scored 38 on the cholesterol test, kinda at the low end.
blood test was a little high on the last haemoglobin test as per usual, not stupid high but i just donate blood and all goes back to normal
we have eyes out front as we are predatory meat eating animals, herbivores have eyes to the side to see predators . so apart from greenies and labour party members i prove a point ( as they cant look you in the eye)
Pork Shank right now :thumbsup:
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I do not know - but it was actually done in our inside oven which is a piss poor little LPG Boat stove with 4 gas rings which get used a lot but stove not often as we have a big outside wood Italian oven.
All in together I think in roast dish - gas is a good damp/moist cooker tnough - but ours is a bit pissy and need to turn dish as most heat is at back away from door.
Wild pork?
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Only thing I take from shot "Wild Pork" here is the empty cartridge case
Awful taint
Plus a lot of "brodifacoum" poison around here.
Funny thing I notice last 2 years - pigs here now dont touch dead Possums
They will just rot into ground and Weka only ones feeding off them
Think the Pigs have become wise to the poison and wont even touch trapped/kill Possum
Snapper and Cray Seafood Mornay.
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Amazingly good. Will post up recipe tomorrow.