Damn that looks tasty. Very cool contraption you have there too!
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Damn that looks tasty. Very cool contraption you have there too!
Rolled pork roast on the spinner for 4 hours last night over Pohutakawa
Attachment 192431
Attachment 192432
Can never go wrong with a good burger! 80% veni/20% pork fat patties on homemade brioche buns, home pickled red onion, pickles my mate made, iceberg, cheese & a burger sauce I whipped up while the buns were baking.
Attachment 192680Attachment 192681
Fresh salmon for dinner.:yum::yum::yum:
Attachment 192832
Lamb rack, scalloped potato's, mushroom sauce. And some green/yellow /orange stuff....
Attachment 192833
Sometimes I wonder why we raise beefies, as I have just cooked the best ever Thai dish "Kaeng khiao waan kratay" (green curry using rabbit instead of beef)
Here's a rundown on raising your own beef: Calving difficulties, learn how to pull calf out of mum cause a big bull from 3 paddocks away jumped the fence behind your back and did the deed instead of the wee angus you purchased to do the job, calves run around silly as buggery doing their evening frolic thing, run headlong into a tree. Dead. Mastitis in the dairy girls as the bull throws small calves, and they don't drink enough milk off mum for the first 3 weeks to stop mastitis in mum, Droughts, so start using your silage well before winter. Learn how to hoof trim the big girls that develop winkle picker hooves. Learn how to rebuild the cattle crush after the girl who needed her hooves trimmed destroyed it once you began tying her up! Having to wait three months to get a spot in the meat packing plant as, well, 2022 I guess sums it up well.
Now rabbit: Mow the bottom flat in the steep valley behind the house to promote good new grass growth. Wait 6 weeks. Go shoot all the fat little rabbits dining on fresh grass.
Skin/gut back half of rabbit. Put in ice cream container with lid on in fridge for 4-5 days. take out of fridge. If meat smells gamey, cut meat off carcass and cube, submerge in water with a couple of capfuls of white vinegar in it for half an hour, rinse, then use as below.
Dice a couple of small onions, fry in coconut fat. Remove and set aside when soft. More coconut oil, fry half a bottle of Valcom green curry paste in it for a minute, then chuck in half a tin of coconut cream and stir on mid heat till the oil begins to separate. Throw in cubed rabbit and crank up to high, stirring all the time for a couple of minutes. Then throw in the rest of the can of coconut creme, stir then cover and lower to simmer for 10 min. Put in the onions and half a cup of button mushrooms, and bring back up to the boil. Simmer. Season with a teaspoon of fish oil and a teaspoon of sugar. Stir in a cup of pre heated green beans for a minute, then serve with Jasmine steamed rice.
Yum fresh tuna [emoji41]
Trimmed a couple of nice even size loins and coated them with some rubs before stinging them in the pan.
Trimmings went raw onto a poki sauce.
Delicious [emoji106]
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Trout burger!
Attachment 192856
Another leg of lamb on the pellet grill: made a heap 3/4” deep incisions and stuffed them with sliced garlic and rosemary, squeezed a couple of lemons over the top, then coated with a mix of olive oil/crushed garlic/lemon zest with a heap of salt and pepper. Into the BBQ for 30 mins @260C, then 1hr @ 175C; beautiful!
Attachment 192938
Beef eye fillet (1 part black pepper, 3 parts salt, 1 part Korean pepper, mix. Rub) leftover potatoes from last night, tomato /onion, soy, vinager, etc salid,. Plus other salid stuff not in pic..... Fry pan brown, then oven at 238 deg c, for a bit (18mins) but more a touch test, before getting out. (must get one of those fancy remote temp things...)
Attachment 192940
Halved the dishes, as only needed a fork.
Now, to try and do it on the bbq.....
Get yourself one of these Beaker
Attachment 192959
It takes all of the guess work away. For a whole eye fillet on the BBQ you just set it to 45 (easy to remember if you just think about “Colt 45”) and Bob’s your nana, perfection on a plate. Oh and an after thought from one technoclutz to another, take the meat off the BBQ when you are testing the temperature.
Tonight’s dinner, @7mmwsm stylee. The “ready salted” version. (Nice way of saying “plain”)
I’m going 8/10 on the chilli front to make up for it.
Attachment 193208
Well plain “ready salted” was deemed too plain and cracked pepper was liberally applied just before cooking. Unanimous decision. Half a big red stag backstrap this one, ate well and filled four hungry bellies.
Attachment 193216
Pork tenderloin smothered in salt, pepper and ground ginger, meets hibachi charcoal cooker.
The wife may have added a salad, it was two nights ago so I cant recall.
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