Meat part of dinner...
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Meat part of dinner...
Sent from my SM-A135F using Tapatalk
Dinner for the cats sorted :D
Attachment 210978
I didnt know until I butchered them up, that one had only three legs :D
Everybody picks on a cripple
I have a habbit of taking the rifle when I go fishing. Smacked over some turkeys and a rabbit.
Slow cooked in the crock pot...was primo!
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Breakfast, crayfish omelette... (didn't get a cooked pic, as was busy eatting....)
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Put enough garlic butter on them and I guess its edible :P
I mean I like catching them but yeah nah.
Now this stuff makes a good one.:thumbsup:
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Lunch - crayfish, home made peking duck with wraps, mongolian potato salad, and bacon wrapped stuffing, .....
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Then a chocolate panatoni with cream and berries....
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Now time for a cleansing vodka..... And a nap....
Merry Xmas all, and hope you're all well feed and watered!!
French toast, bacon, banana and maple syrup washed down with some Moet for breakfast
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Apricot stuffed turkey rolled roast, crispy skin duck breast, and roast veges for lunch....... there is glazed ham as well but no room on my plate
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There is still home made cheese cake and pumpkin pie chilling in the fridge as were all in food comas for now
On my seventieth Christmas Day I had hot French Butter Croissants for breakfast with apricot and bourbon glazed ham carved from the bone, cheese and tomato’s as a filling with salt and pepper to taste. It was so good I doubled down and had the same thing for lunch. Resting up now for the once a year dinner that puts Rushy into the recovery position. No photos will be taken of the fool on the floor with one knee tucked up tight into his chest to allow for effortless farting when the Christmas pudding starts to ferment with the Waikato beers in a bowel chock full of Turkey, stuffing, roast spuds, kumara, pumpkin, green verges, gravy and cranberry etc. Oh the sweet agony of a two litre gut with a ten litre meal squeezed in to every available cavity between mouth and rectum.
Nice beef Picanha tonight smoked to 145 F and left-over salads from Christmas day.
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