Did a local butcher do it for you?
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Did a local butcher do it for you?
Yes,Pleasant Point did the venison corned roasts and a few other goodies.
Smoked venison savaloys
Apple cider sausages
Crumed sausage n patties.
Usual flavoured salmies
Amazing what they can turn out of rutted up stag legs.
All the above small goods 90kgs taste very nice.
Quick n easy pan fried trout with rice
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Lozza's mums curry - a friend is half Fijian half Indian and he gave us his mums curry and its really good. For the first time ever I cooked a goat leg using this recipe - and I will be doing that again it was yum.
Measurements are a little vague so there is a bit of adding things to taste/trial and error.
Meat - Chicken/lamb/goat/beef - lamb shoulder chops cut up but the bone left in are excellent.
1 x Onion
Whole clump of garlic
Fresh ginger half the amount of garlic or to taste
Garam Masala 2 heaped teaspoons
Tumeric 1 heaped teaspoon
Cardamon seeds 1/2 teaspoon
1 stick cinamon broken in 2
Cloves - go easy here start with 3-4 they can over power everything else
Mustard seeds 1 teaspoon
Chilies' fresh or dried again to taste or hotness tolerance
Chop the meat - chop onion, crush garlic chop ginger.
Heat oil in a large pot, fry onions, galic, ginger, cardamon, cinamon, cloves, mustard seeds, chillies until onion is soft.
Mix 2x Tsp garam masala, 1 x tsp Tumeric, 1 tsp of salt in a cup add hot water to make a watery paste.
Add paste to pot when onions soft and fry for appx 1 -2 minutes.
Add meat mix with spices and fry until meat just starts to cook.
Add potatoes chopped up small and fry so they just start to cook (a good addition to spuds or a replacement of spuds are a couple of cans of chic peas drained)
add hot water and bring to the boil for 5-10 minutes
Add tomatoes - 1 tin chopped is generally enough.
cook on low medium heat for a hour or so - want the liquid to reduce a bit - add rice to taste.
Serve with rice etc.
Its great the first serving even better left for a day !
Little traeger did a nice job of smoking the kahawai fillets
Opened it up and glazed them with some Maple syrup for the last 30m.
Came out awesome, super tasty [emoji41]
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Sounds good @AMac, I'm going to try this when I get my next tahr.
Venison red wine cottage pie... perfect fir a cold winters night!
Attachment 225788
Thar would be nice in that curry I reckon.
Y10+ years ago at a business dinner do at the Dockside restaurant in Wellington they had Thar cutlets on the menu - served medium rare with a red wine/berry jus they were stunning. The cut was similar to a lamb loin chop. Have never seen Thar on the menu of a restaurant since.
Bo brings home a hare.
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And Mrs D makes a hare and cheese pie.
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And a sort of pie to follow that....
Bread and butter pudding, but a bit different....
Pani chocolate (chocolate crussaints...), with added chocolate, a fews eggs, cream, cinnamon and vanilla.....
Doesn't look that good, but after 200deg for 30mins,...
Attachment 225881
And then adding vanilla ice cream... Very nice
Attachment 225882
Right up there with chocolate self saucing pud and golden syrup pudding.
And the last pic should be the first. Not sure what happened there
Did meself a right arseripper tonight.
its dedicated to me late dad ,GSPF,c404 ,smiffy RR, Mickey duck ,Rushy and the man o the north bonny dundee.
take a large crockpot (or 44gallon drum .youre the cook)
a nice fat mallard (hamhock,chook moa ,venison shank-youre the cook)I also added 1/2a pkt of bacon scrag ends.
all the bloody veggies in the fridge or ya garden(me-leek ,spuds,carrots parsnip,onion,swede,)
ok put all that in ya crockpot (use a forklift or tractor bucket if ya limpwristed)
add 1.5 litre of cold water (+/- bottle of waikato ,port redwine,hombrew or moonshine youre the cook)
add salt &peeper and seasonings to suit your palate
right now -let this cogitate on high for approx 4-6hours
Just before add a couple of packets of noodles or rice ,your choice.
right now lift the meat out-It should fall off the bone.
two or three big bloody ladles ful;l in ya dinner plate and youre away laughing.
yep -what remains -another good sized vegetable broth or put the whole lot through the food proccesor and into pots for the freezer -makes a cracker brew in a flask for days in th maimai or out doors or even work.
no dont knowq what the effect on the porcelain tele phone are like aint got there ye t ,though id suspect a spot of air freshener may be in order.
actually a thought just corssed my mind -like a sperm whale in the gobi desert if you get my drift??-In my army SNCOs course an exercise we were set was how to BBQan elephant .
should you happen across such an elephant -simply substitute it for the mallard ,and cut back a bit on the veges
happy dining ya mad buggers!!!!
I emptied the crockpot today-remainder of the brew made 1litre of a good sturdy soup concentrate -ideal for a day in the maimai or if its colder than eskimo Nells .......... outside or if youreve reached that stage where you constanly misplace ya false teeth.not a lot of meat left on the mallard carcasse but still lots of sweet wee bits. Tried out me wee knife i made for myself for breasting geese and parries -bloody ideal for this sort of work .Iinadvertently lreeft my original finger skinner in the last goose carcasse I processed!
dundee -you there -goodoh -a big fat possum woudlnt look out of place in that recipe if you were so inclined.Dont laugh i nursed an old south westland roadman early in my training and he was very fond of roadkill jacko/weka casseroles which he reckoned improved with age .he slept with a bushrat -kept me bloody kidneys warm boy!only ever batheds in a creek once a week .mind you he lived tillhis late 80s so there could be a kernel of truth there somewhere!
Roast fallow(road kill) shoulder tonight
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