@Black Rabbit
Love the neck from Chinese roast duck. Even eat some of the bone if it's soft enough to chew. Haven't tried duck head. Duck feet, yes, very good but chicken feet give you more to eat.
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@Black Rabbit
Love the neck from Chinese roast duck. Even eat some of the bone if it's soft enough to chew. Haven't tried duck head. Duck feet, yes, very good but chicken feet give you more to eat.
Actually, duck feet is better than chicken, geese feet is the best. In Chinese cuisine some those material kiwi throw away in fact is taste better than the main part of the animal. For example the grouper, I saw from fishing channels or platforms they only take fillet, but the head, the bone and the tail can make something really delicious.
@Black Rabbit
Correct, at least as far as fish heads go. I don't eat fish tail but my Chinese wife persuaded me to try fish head many years ago. Mainly Snapper as that species has some flesh on the cheeks. That meat is much sweeter than that from the flanks. Only trouble with enjoying that is getting your mouth and tongue around numerous sharp bones in there. Takes some skill to avoid getting stabbed inside the mouth. For that reason I only eat the cheeks occasionally but it is delicious. Wifey will use heads and tails in thin soup. Also very good. Have also tried fish eyes but don't find them anything special.
Speaking of duck, when I was still duck shooting wifey would stuff whole duck with Chinese stuffing and slowly wok cook
until meat was tender enough to pull from the bone. Most delicious duck I have ever eaten and I do enjoy duck cooked just about any way.
you will have no problem getting as many duck of goose feet/heads/necks/carcasses as your heart desires in another month n a bit..just ask and you shall recieve..... heck the fellas shooting canada geese often drop 99% of them into an offal hole as a fella can only eat so much.
I am glad to know you enjoy the fish cheek and your wife `s cooking. The flesh under the cheek is always the best part, and then the belly, then the rest. In our culture, you can know if a kid or an adult has good family education or not, if they come from a rich tradition family or poor ones by watching them how they eat a fish over a dinner table. If they started from the belly without any concerns or respects to other people, then at least for me this will be the last dinner with him or her.
For the sniper head, I used to stew it, slow cook for 30 mins+ then the sharp bones will not be that sharp anymore. Fish eyes is good for kids and elderly, it `s no taste but it `s health. When I was in Auckland, I tried to roast a whole game duck, but the build in oven in the house was too low, should use outdoor wood fire oven which I did `t have. I saw so many meats either wasted or went to pet food factory, that `s why I am working on a project to recycle those fine stuffs into export earning for New Zealanders.
Thanks for like my cooking. Next time I will try to cook some deer guts if I could have any. Btw, comparing to 308, what `s the benefit of use 30.06 in NZ?
A dead game animal would not be able to tell you the difference so it doesn’t matter which one caused the lack of life. They are the same diameter projectile but 30-06 is the magnum round you have when you are not having a magnum round so has a larger shell casing..
These days due to advances in ammo components, optics and rifle tecnology there is probably only a fine difference between .308W and 30.06 The 30.06 has been around longer and due to it's military background making surplus rifles cheaply available it established a name as a very capable hunting cartridge. The 308W came later and might have gained acceptance more slowly but now is probably more widely accepted and is used in more disciplines and different rifle platforms than the 30.06 which is now kinda regarded as old hat. Personally though, I have a great liking for the 30.06 and it has served me very well for my hunting.
In the NZ context you asked about either cartridge performs very closely in the same applications. But in factors like recoil, ammo cost, rifle availability and selection I think the 308 is somewhat ahead these days.
Perhaps if this discussion wants to expand we should move it to the Firearms, Optics and Accessories page.
Thank you all. Yeah, sorry for this. I brought it up was because your name is 30.06 and recently I found there are couple of second hand 30.06 rifles in GC, you know the old wood and blued ones. Right let `s focus on game cooking in here. The duck season is coming, wish I could have chance to get a Canadian geese.
Scampi and crabs. With spaghetti (garlic, tomato and Chilli. ) simple, but oh so good.
Scampi tails are a real barstad to get into though. Sharppricks.
Attachment 247229
The crabs is not from NZ, right? But hope it does.
Slow cooked Chamois. Just delicious.
Attachment 247266
@Black Rabbit
Recognise this / these ?
At Yum Char yesterday. Mother in Law grabbed this plate for me to try. My first time. Wow, delicious !