Gidday, @Quicknock I have not actually used one of the DS stuffers but I can give you a little insight into stuffers in general and the probable reason you had that problem with your mates stuffer.
Firstly take a closer look at the images on the DS website, in the first few images the handle is shown on the LHS of the stuffer and the handle is round in section, The mian page image is a round section handle on the RHS,then in the next lot of images it shows a cast handle on the RHS of the stuffer, thats 3 different images, This says to me that these are generic images and not necessarily images of the unit you will receive.
In my expereince the best way for a factory to cut pproduction costs is to make the unit out of lighter weight (thinner) materials. The issue you had with mix coming up past the plunger is quite common and is usually caused by either worn plunger seals or the main tube being made out of material that is too thin. The thin tube will flex under load and ultimately end up with a permanent bell shapes which will always leak regardless if the state of the seals.
The other issue with cheaper (lower quality) machines is the drive gears. Not sure what DS mean when they call their gears "Traditional craft gear" but typically the lower prices units have cast gears which quickly wear or break teeth. You need to look for a machine with hardened steel gears. Hope this helps.