So here is my method for making salami
Bits needed
50mm dia salami casings ( one per 800grm of finished product )
String / clips to tie off end once filled
large dia tube on sausage stuffer
Somewhere to hang finished salami for 2 to 4 weeks ( I use my garage )
1 Kg pork mince
1/3 cup cold water
2 Kg whatever target species
3 Tbl spn Smoked Paprika
11/4 T spoon #2 curing salt
1 Grm Bactoferm
3 Tbl spn PLAIN salt ( not iodised )
2 Tspn Fennel seeds
5 Tbl spn Sugar / dextrose
2 Tbl spn Cracked black pepper
2 Tspn cayene pepper
2 Tbl spn minced garlic
2 T spn Chile flakes
1 Tbl spn Cardomon seeds
Mix the Bactoferm into the water ( it's usually kept in the freezer till needed ) the quantity is tiny 2.5 grams for 10 kg so stick to this.
And put it aside.
Combine all the DRY ingredients, and split the quantity in 1/2.
Mix the pork and other meat together for 5 minutes by hand or a couple of minutes in a cake mixer.
Add one half of the dry ingredients to one half of the meat and mix it all together
Do the same to the other half lots
( I dont know about you but I find if I mix all the stuff at the same time it doesnt mix / blend that well )
Mix both lots together and add the water mix. Let it combine well
Set aside in a cool room ( around 15'C ) overnight covered with a layer of glad wrap.
By morning it should have gone a darker colour on the surface.
Stuff into casings ( this amount will usually fill 5 casings 3/4 full ) You can faff around topping them off to be even at this stage.
Take the casings one at a time and spin them while holding the open end. Take a pin or sterile needle and poke holes into the casing all over it, about 200 holes is good ( just saying that as 5 holes is not enough )
Spin the casing down tight again and you should now be forcing air pockets out of the casing. I get enough pressure on this to see little jets of water coming out of the casing.
While the salami is compressed like this tie off the opening close down on the meat. ( an extra pair of hands or use a clipper )
If you feel the need you can cold smoke them at this stage for 10 hrs or just hang them.
if you have a controlled environment such as a reconfigured fridge with humidifier etc great if not, put them somewhere that they wont get too warm.
Personally i dont make them in the summer but you can make something called summer sausage ( giigle it ).
Keep feeling the sticks of salami every day or so after one week. As they start to dry out they get firmer and you can tell by the touch after a while as to when they are ready. Or you can weigh them, IIRC its about 35% weight reduction for it to start to be ready.... then its personel preference.
If they start to dry out too quickly what happens is that a layer of dry outer meat prevents the internals from passing its liquid out. It either starts to get big air pockets or starts to rot.