The trials and tribulations of trying to live off the land... Well over the last few days I noticed that my white Orp rooster has been picking on my favourite old chicken. She's been able to keep away from him by going into a pen he can't fit into.
Today I was going to move her but couldn't find her. Anyway, this evening I had a funny feeling something was wrong and went out to check. The bastard was standing on top of her bashing the hell out of her. I think he may have killed my other old girl a week or 2 ago...
So... I grabbed her and put her in her other pen. And him? He's in a plastic bag and will be soup tomorrow. He won't bash any of my girls again... I checked on her and she's ok. Another 10 mins and I'd probably have had a dead chook. He was the last rooster in my line of white Orps. But no arsehole roosters last long here. There are plenty of good ones...
The old hen is at least 8 years old and nicknamed the "Dog-Chicken" because she's like a pet dog. I got her when she was about 2 years old, about 7 years ago and she was a proper mess. she'd been poorly cared for. She's a lovely bird