Great to see your latest post. One of my favourite threads. Put up a link to your channel and will happily subscribe and follow.
Great to see your latest post. One of my favourite threads. Put up a link to your channel and will happily subscribe and follow.
“Age is a very high price to pay for maturity”
@Coote I'm using the Leder tan at the moment, but am trying out a new tan next week. I've done brain, bark tanning. But the problem with doing those techniques on client's hides is that they're not always 100% reliable. And I can't risk that with a client's prized skin. I professionally tanned for around 10 years and used Leidreiters (now Leders which is a chrome tan too) for floor skins and Lutan F for the skins for mounting.
Thanks Bumblefoot. Good info, and an interesting thread. Best wishes from Nelson.
@Jhon I've been using the Hwa mini 223 mostly. Just because it os so precise for head and high neck shooting goats for skins/meat. But I will be going back to the 303 as it will be part of my "schtick" for videos. The 303 captures a hunting and "303 lovers" crowd. Funny; the goat hunt vid below had netted me 4.5% of my subs! But mostly; because I love using it!