Bugga, I just finished dinner and now hungry for some shanks. I'm ment to be on a diet
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Bugga, I just finished dinner and now hungry for some shanks. I'm ment to be on a diet
that looks beautiful..actually just got out 2 mutton shanks for Mrs to have tomorrow night.
It's coming round to shanks, neck chops and oxtail season again . Yummy 😋
A bit different today... I'd been writing all day yesterday so decided to go for a wander around the property with the torch to see if any possums were out. Rowdy, my cat obviously decided that I need a hunting cat, not a dog.... One possum in the bag. Another pest got rid of. It's actually the first possum I've shot in many years. I used the little Savage Mk2 with a suppressor and subs. It's a really accurate little rifle!
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I plucked the possum last night and skinned it this morning before putting it into the "chicken food" crockpot. This'll provide them with protein for at least a week or so. Waste nothing... So a win/win situation, a pest gotten rid of, and the chooks fed... And... another step into getting back to living off the land once more :)
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Well that's what one cooked up skinned possum looks like... About 6kgs of solidified meat, stock and fat to feed to the chickens.... Any meat protein is great for the chooks when tey are mouting :)
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Must admit when I flicked through the photos, I thought he's eating possum now!
Me too, gotta say it looked better before it was cooked.
Cooked a possum during the first lockdown - boredom got the better of me. Initially it was going to be for the dog, but smelt so good I ate the back legs. Very nice. Was a youngish female though - not a manky old buck, I imagine they taste worse than boot.
Did a pic collage for the kids doing home learning at the time.
yep, if I went that is.
and I married an Asian so it's not that unusual to think that.
Check this video out regarding eating possums From 7:40min.
Man he's braver than me - reaching in to a hole and just grabbing one!
I've always been tempted to try eating possum, and the one I shot was super fat! But.... every time I skin one their smell puts me off. So I've never been brave enough! Oh; and I guessed the cooked possum pics would get the comments flowing... he he ;)
Yup,the bantams like cooked possum....
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if you are going to try possum there are oil glands at base of tail - cut these out generously with knife - if you get that oil on meat rather unpleasant taste - taste well similar to rabbit but not as good as hare - same as for rabbit and hare soak in salty water- first cut into pieces and leave in fridge for a good 6 hours - you could add garlic and onion to the water for last few hours - brown well and slow cook for 2-3 hours - add chicken stock - again my taste but I would not add wine -gives funny taste to meat in my opinion - beer might be okay never tried that but why not - dont expect much flavor really - try a possum curry I have not but should be quite okay - would at least give the coon some flavour as its rather bland - we used to mainly casserole it - its a feed about it