Yup; the glands would be the first to go ha ha
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Yup; the glands would be the first to go ha ha
Bumblefoot, that sure is a tasty looking spread! I am trying to hook up access for some goats up my way at the mo. I love goat, hell I love meat. The salad looks mighty fine too.
A pork soup finished and total cost around $16 for goodness knows how many portions... Ingredients: meaty pork bones for the stock, 1 leek, 2 onions, garlic, 1 tin black beans, 1 tin tomatoes, 3 potatoes, 1/4 cabbage, cinnamon stick, smoked paprika, star anise, salt and pepper.
I'm going to do a series of videos based on a talk I once did at the local farmers market called "Cook Like Your Nanna". It was about how to stretch your dollars in tough times by using cheaper cuts of meat (I'm a qualified butcher). The talk went gangbusters, so there is an interest there...
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I'll be following with interest BBF, all your food looks and sounds amazing.
Unfortunately my Mrs won't let me cook certain foods until she's out of the house for a few days, leeks, beans etc
I'm starving now, cheers.
Something a bit different today... Growing puha in the vege garden... I reckon that if it grows like a weed, doesn't need spraying, then why not put it in the garden? So far; the seedlings transplanted really easily, but I did save some seed too...
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Looks like there's also both types of parsley, curly and Italian. I prefer the itai one.
Yup; just getting the gardens up and running properly :)
A year ago we planted 6 watercress seedlings in the stream. Bloody hell, went to check it recently and for 20m the stream is choked with the stuff!!!. Must look up some recipes...
@XR500 If you buy watercress from the supermarket you can eat all the tops and then put the bottoms into a bucket of water in a sunny spot. They sprout roots in about a week and you get a heap of seedlings to plant out :)
Woo hoo! My Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis) seeds are germinating! I left them outside to let the frosts stratify them. I have some stratified in the fridge too. 1 batch wrapped on damp tissue and some in vermiculite
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Man that is some big-ass fruit
PHOTO HEAVY! I've finally got the big chicken garden pen finally in action. The main run is along the front of the four 5x3m runs. Each run is gated. I've only got 2 of the runs finished so far. The idea is to have the chooks clear a pen, move them to the next pen, and plant the cleared pen with veges. I'm an old bugger now so want the chooks to do the hard yakka for me by clearing and fertlising the gardens.
Each garden will take 6-8 weeks to clear. Multiply that by 4 pens and there should be a 6 month rotation before they're back to clear the 1st pen.
The 1st pen is beginning to be planted up with veges while the White Orpingtons clear the 2nd pen. I've used old electric fence tape as a cheap option to keep the chooks from flying over the dividing walls. The tape is just a visual deterrent, it's not hot
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