So in the morning I dismantled and old fridge/freezer and cut a big hole in the back of it in the bottom chamber. Then fitted a cheap 30 dollar fan from the warehouse, Over the hole.
Next I cut a vent between the two chambers and bent the floor materials so any juices will be able to be caught and not spray the fan.
Finally a vent in the roof and a grill to go over it and a salvaged old oven rack slotted in near the roof to hang meat on. The other salvaged over rack got turned into stainless hooks.
After lunch the fallow was butchered, and I kept aside the silver sides and rounds, plus the forward third of the backsteaks and the small eye fillets and put them in a biltong rub for 24 hours.
The lower meat is the sinews. Im going to try drying them as dog treats and see what happens.