One of my friends often jokes that I’m a “hard up hua” for eating goat. Here, for a laugh, we try eating the fillets of a 7 or 8-year old billy goat. Watch for the verdict!
One of my friends often jokes that I’m a “hard up hua” for eating goat. Here, for a laugh, we try eating the fillets of a 7 or 8-year old billy goat. Watch for the verdict!
Hey - what other bits are ya gonna try, don't stop there!!
Too hardcore for me..... "100 Goat Balls Gravy Cooking in My Village".....
When my firstborn son was 1 yr old, I made him a nice cozy beanie out of a large billy goat’s scrotum.
What you do is buy one of those toddler sized rugby balls from The Warehouse. Soak the goat scrotum in hot water and gently stretch it this way and that. It’s tougher than you think! When it is nice and pliable, stretch it over the rugby ball, pop it in the hot water cupboard, and come back a couple of days later. Trim the now perfectly sized Scrotum Hat and present it at your favourite nephew’s / grandson’s first birthday party. Bound to be a family winner!
You must get your friend to do that @bumblefoot.
BTW I really enjoyed your videos. You know that really large billy goat heads are not that far away from you, in the south Taranaki in the bush to the north of Waverley, and either side of the northern stretches of the Wanganui River. I’ve taken a few out of those areas well over 30 inches and have them on various shed walls here and there.
Talk about embarrassing baby photos...
Speaking of which, one of my medical colleagues, a Urologist, had a thriving private practice doing circumcisions. Rather than throw the skins out he kept them in a tall jar of preservative. When his wife helped him empty his offices on his retirement she found it. They were a bit bizarre in their taste so got the jar to a saddlemaker called Graham up the valley to make something of them. She dropped in on Graham a few months later when up that way and he presented her with a purse he'd patiently put together of the patchwork.
"Is that all?" "That was a big jar."
Graham scoffed back, "Just rub it and you have a travel bag!"
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
@Flyblown Yup there are. It seems that the areas with bigger heads often have ancient Angora genes in them. I've really enjoyed taking Beth hunting. I derived just as much satisfaction out of her scoring that billy as I did when shooting one years ago as a teenager. It's been interesting seeing the range of emotions etc taking a newbie out.
Re; the scrotum. I should have taken it out, tanned it, and made it into a change purse!
@bumblefoot enjoyed the video. Not quite what I was expecting given the thread title- I’ve recently been talking to a buddy about cooking up pāua hua so thought it might be about that. But I also love goat meat too, so I wasn’t disappointed. Like most folk that hunt for food I typically target the younger animals for meat quality, but even if I shoot an older one I’ll still take some meat. Typically the fillets on an older billy I’ll bash up & crumb as schnitzel, yum! I’m impressed your ones came out so nice- given how much they shrunk I’d have thought they’d be a bit chewy, but obviously not.
@Pixie Z We dragged the billy out and Beth used all of it for her dogsExcept for the 2 fillets of course
Good video. I think goat, especially the younger models are seriously underrated as table food.
@MB Yup; I pretty much live off it
That's cause your a bloody hardup hua!![]()
Funny; we only made the video to make people laugh and it's already had nearly 200 views. It was a bit of fun to make!