When my firstborn son was 1 yr old, I made him a nice cozy beanie out of a large billy goat’s scrotum.
What you do is buy one of those toddler sized rugby balls from The Warehouse. Soak the goat scrotum in hot water and gently stretch it this way and that. It’s tougher than you think! When it is nice and pliable, stretch it over the rugby ball, pop it in the hot water cupboard, and come back a couple of days later. Trim the now perfectly sized Scrotum Hat and present it at your favourite nephew’s / grandson’s first birthday party. Bound to be a family winner!
You must get your friend to do that @bumblefoot.
BTW I really enjoyed your videos. You know that really large billy goat heads are not that far away from you, in the south Taranaki in the bush to the north of Waverley, and either side of the northern stretches of the Wanganui River. I’ve taken a few out of those areas well over 30 inches and have them on various shed walls here and there.