Cut them off, bwown in oil and put in a casserole, fry some diced onion and garlic and add them. Add half a litre of chicken stock, 150 mls of blackcurrent cordial or cranberry juice, a pinch of cinnamon, nutmey, and cardamom or cloves and a good grind of pepper. Sprinkle a packet of ground almonds over the top and give a good stir. The liquid should cover the legs. Bung the lid on and put in an oven at 150-160 c for 2-3 hours. If the sauce is still a bit thin (it should be like gravy) add cornflour or more almonds.
Sounds wierd because of the almonds and fruit juice but is bloody tasty and moist.
@Angus_A will have a few more ideas I suspect.