The boys went for a dip at Ruapuke Island the other day and we got a good feed of Paua. What's your favourite recipes for patties? I've always done them pretty simple, looking for some inspiration!
The boys went for a dip at Ruapuke Island the other day and we got a good feed of Paua. What's your favourite recipes for patties? I've always done them pretty simple, looking for some inspiration!
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Paua are prepared by shelling,gutting,put in t towel ,cloth,whatever,beat with appropriate weapon,couple in the middle(white bit)few more round the edge to soften it up,
shaken in a bag of flour,fried in butter.
can't improve on that why try.
you're welcome
last Paua I had @akaroa1 prepared and was bloody delicious. pretty sure it was just grilled in butter then a squirt of Lemon juice.
asked my mate's gf one time if she liked paua.
Hmm,they're a bit sandy she reckoned.
turned out she had only ever eaten minced paua,patties,creamed,whatever.
I blew that though cos gave her one prepped as above and now she's all over them
If doing patties, 1 paua gut bag to 10 paua adds to the flavour
Gratted carrot goes well to
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I swear everyone has a different preference when I talk to the boys about diving. All I know is I have to get a steady supply as my kids eat paua patty burgers like there is no tomorrow.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.