This is the roast rabbit we had tonight.
Shot by smiley possum trapper
............... 1 Mrs Dundee
............... 1 Dundee
............... 1 possum trapper
............... Teach possum trapper to skin and gut one rabbit.
Done.... but wash ya bloody boots next time possum trapper
The carcass
The hare legs were eaten another night,rabbit carcass bit grubby but that was added protein not bad for a first attempt from a young fella.
Then throw the rabbit in the slow cooker (crock pot)
Sit back and wait for Mrs D to dish up
Once I carved it of course
Done, so tender here is is the spread
Possum Trapper and his plate
Sean Dundee and his plate
Mrs Dundee and her plate
And I'm always last but it was friggen yummy