Step one, get it out of the freezer!
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Step one, get it out of the freezer!
Hanging out for step 2
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will probably just dry out if your smokeing it
i would only smoke it for an hour then wrap it tight in a couple of layers of tinfoil with a bit of apple cider vinegar and slap it in the oven for ages
Well it’s in the crock pot, I’m rooted from having to clean the kitchen and stove after prepping, my wife doesn’t eat venison, but commented on how good the mixture smelt, so that’s a positive! Attachment 175924 the ingredients, about $150 including a nice bottle of red, not shown, cause we drank it last night?Attachment 175927 and the heats on, hopefully ready at dinner :thumbsup:time!:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
@Maca49, was saying to the Mrs last night we should do pulled veni nachos :thumbsup:
Just raided the deep freeze. But it should be in the slow cooker at least overnight. Rule # one of crockpot - taste doubles if you leave it in there for at least 24hrs.
I’ll sneak a taste later, if it’s shit, I’ll give it to my son in law:D
Don't use a crook pot anymore due to shagging around preplanning, use a pressure cooker, same results but cooked soooo much sooner.
That young stag was the fattest deer I've ever seen shot. It really was in amazing condition. He had a handy patch of good bush to hide in and very short distance to go to feed in a small sheltered basin full of lush grass and handy to a waterhole. Good shot by @Maca49 in last light. We spent half the night dragging and then winching him out of there with big red and 100m of rope. It will be awesome eating.
@Woody I think you were about 10 kgs lighter after that ordeal! We should have chased it up the hill first?
Yeah but did'nt have a sneaky huntaway dog.
Was a hard case event. We had been watching two sides from a ridgetop track for some hours. Virtually too dark and almost ready to pack it in and I said to @Maca49 "take a look through this delta scope befofe we go " .
Shit, he says; "I see one down there". Gives me back my rifle and says "shoot it". "F,,k, I don't know where to look, it that bloody dark".
So maca picks up his rifle-- boom. "What the heck did you shoot man"? He says "the blob". "It's down, I think". Torches come out and send dog out. "Faark, nice one".
Then three hours of hard work began.
So now, he eats the reward :)
Well in the dark this was the best I gotAttachment 175978Attachment 175979
And this is the sample taste, I give the thumbs up, even got a not bad from my wife, will leave a little longer!!:cool:Attachment 175980
Brads torch doesn’t lie!! It bloody awesome, thanks!
Tell her it's actually antelope mate. True.
Fallow really are antelope family so she has no excuses ha ha.
A butcher friend gave me a piece of pig skin to wrap a bit of venison in. So whole shoulder bone in, season and couple sprigs rosemary slap the scored pig skin just over the top and tie it down. Onions and cup stock in roasting dish. 30 min at 200c starts the fat rendering and crisps up the crackling, then put lid on and turn down to 150c. Four hours later absolutely premo a and of course you have to make proper gravey.
@Macca49, I think you have just been voted in as "official sausage supplier" for the big bore event :thumbsup:
Right, so here is the "simplified" version :D
A recipe so simple even a left-handed, slightly dyslexic gnome could follow it :P
Step 1:
Cut up veni stewing cuts into large chunks
Attachment 176044
Step 2:
Pour over 1/4 cup vinegar and your favorite spices
Attachment 176045
Step 3:
Add a tin of tomato paste / dice / whatever you have
Attachment 176046
Step 4:
Stir, cover and switch crockpot on low.
Done !
How long? All day or just 4-6 hours. Got some frozen veno i just might use for this
@T.FOYE I'll let this do it's thing for most of today, switch it off before I go to bed. Let it sit in it's juices overnight, and then back on "low" again tomorrow for several hours. It is tomorrow night's dinner.
Depends a lot on the cuts of meat you use. Shank / shin meat or bits with some gristle or silver skin in them work best.
But honestly, you can never go wrong leaving it in the slow cooker for longer.
Attachment 176069 LUNCH!
fuck yeah!
Almost there... :thumbsup:
Attachment 176204
More tomatoes @Maca49 :P
Attachment 176225
I really need to label bags better. The meat i got out thus morning thinking it was backsteaks tured out to be rolled red shoulder. So its in the crockpot for tomorrow's dinner using the ebf method of set and forget.
We ended up with cheese omelet instead. The chickens are doing about 5 eggs a day and there's only so many cakes we can eat.
A lockdown food baby will be on the way if this keeps up.