If you're in a pinch and need something that will A: warm you up and B: take bugger all in terms of effort then i think this shall suffice![]()
Venison (tender cut is preferred)
A shot of brandy (and a few more for drinking :p )
One head of cauliflower
Salt & pepper
Tomato paste
Chicken stock powder
One small onion and 2 cloves of garlic
Mince the garlic and onion nice and fine, add to a saucepan on a low heat with a dash of oil and a pinch of salt.
Let it sweat for a few minutes and cut the venison up into cubes, add them to the pot and turn the heat up.
Brown it on all sides then add your shot of brandy (turn the heat down a bit to avoid flame ups)
Cut the mushrooms (a good couple of handfuls) into quarters and chuck them in along with a tablespoon of tomato paste, chicken stock, cream (about a cup) a cup of water and 2 knobs of butter.
Stir and reduce it to a simmer.
Cut up your cauliflower into chunks and whack it into the food processor, pulse until a fine crumby substance is created. Put into a microwave safe bowl with a small glug of olive oil, plenty of salt and pepper and nuke it for 4 minutes on high, covered in cling film to lock in the steam. Add plenty of chopped parsley.
Once the stew has been going for 15-25 minutes. Take it off the heat and serve![]()