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Thread: Rabbit & Hare Slow Cook Recipes?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Rabbit & Hare Slow Cook Recipes?

    Hi all,

    Does anybody have any good slow cook recipes for rabbit or hare? Do you just use legs?

    Appreciate any cooking tips but especially anything for the slow cooker!

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  2. #2
    R93 is offline
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    I just use McCormicks mild Indian slow cooker curry mix.
    I quarter a couple young rabbits after being hung and chilled a couple days. Soak in milk or salt water for min 24hrs. 48 is best.
    Dust in seasoned cornflower and brown off in frypan.
    Throw in pot with a sweated off onion and tin of Indian spiced tomatoes and some chopped carrots. Set on low for the day.
    Serve on rice when cooked with some steamed greens.
    Doesn't last long.

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  3. #3
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    I bone the whole thing out ,dice it then braise it with a couple of large onions until browned properly.
    Throw a few diced veges in the pot & add 1 of those meal bases from the supermarket ,the slow cooker
    type are great & seem to tenderize the meat while it cooks.Just follow directions on the pack.
    Last 1 I threw in a slow cook chicken & a beef casserole pkt.
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  4. #4
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    I'm completely new to this. Do you hang them and then chill them? How long do you hang them for?

    If I got say 10 rabbits or hares, is it best to hang them for a period before processing them? Or should I just process them right away and freeze?

    I've heard about the salt water before. How much salt would I add?

  5. #5
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by mposkitt View Post

    I'm completely new to this. Do you hang them and then chill them? How long do you hang them for?

    If I got say 10 rabbits or hares, is it best to hang them for a period before processing them? Or should I just process them right away and freeze?

    I've heard about the salt water before. How much salt would I add?
    Hang them in a cool place or a chiller for at least a couple days.
    Milk is best but expensive unless you can raid a vat.
    I ensure all meat will be covered and usually add a handful of salt per rabbit.
    Rinse thoroughly, pat dry then brown.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Hang them in a cool place or a chiller for at least a couple days.
    Milk is best but expensive unless you can raid a vat.
    I ensure all meat will be covered and usually add a handful of salt per rabbit.
    Rinse thoroughly, pat dry then brown.

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    Do I hang them before or after skinning? I'm guessing the process is skin, hang and then soak in salt water?

    And for any I wanted to freeze would I skin, hang, cut up and freeze? And then soak them after they thawed and before I cooked?

    I won't use milk as it'd be cheaper buying the meat! Haha.

  7. #7
    R93 is offline
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    I personally hang all meat with skin on. Especially if in a chiller.
    Unless you can keep flys away from them I would do the same in your case.

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  8. #8
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    Hares - soak overnight in solution of 1 tablespoon saltwater: 1 litre water. Next day rinse, place in fresh tab water and change every 2hrs for 2 changes. Slow cook back wheels in crockpot like lamb shanks (red wine, any current jam, bayleaf with veggies). Back steaks, med rare on BBQ like veni.
    Rabbits need half the soaking time. Back steaks can be sliced and cooked in crumbs like chicken nuggets. Kids love em.
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  9. #9
    Member mrs dundee's Avatar
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    Hare legs and rabbit yummy, I just sprinkle garlic pepper, some tuscan add abit of water . Mr Dundee will tell u what he does before hand.

  10. #10
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    I hang rabbits and hares for a day skin them while they a warm if you have the time but doesn't matter if you leave it for the next day.

    Still hang the carcass for a day then we back leg the hares and back strips and bag em for the freezer,rabbits are left whole.

    The next secret is marry Mrs Dundee cause she sorts the cooking,but shes taken

    This is roast rabbit and harelegs

    Theres a thread under this section started by Gadgetman if you want to see the pics

    Those links will help you out enjoy cause its bloody tastey
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  11. #11
    Member mattdw's Avatar
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    There's a pretty mean rabbit pie recipe in a Speights cookbook somewhere; unfortunately I only have a blurry photo of the recipe and I have to squint to read it, but the pie is great.

    Basic procedure is slow-cook the rabbit with some veges (onion, celery, carrot, herbs) in water, throw out the veges (keep the stock), take the rabbit meat, mix it with fried bacon and mushrooms, flour+butter+stock from before+lemon juice make a kind of roux sauce, wrapped in pastry in the oven until it's done.

  12. #12
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    With rabbits I don't normally bother to use brine/milk before the slow cook. I just bung half a dozen rabbits straight in the pot, add in wine, black current (Barkers), a slosh of Tamari (soy) sauce, another slosh of spicy plum sauce, dose of favourite herbs and spices, diced vege if you like it. Leave to soak in that lot over night, then add the heat and cook about 16 hours. Tip the liquid into another container, strip the rabbits, divide meat into meal lots in 2l ice cream tubs and cover in liquid for freezing.

    The important bit! Put remaining liquid in other 2l ice cream tubs for stock and freeze, I turn it into vege soup, the type you grab a slice of for a winters lunch.
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  13. #13
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    Thanks very much all for your recipes. Much appreciated.

    Gadgetman - when you say cover in liquid for freezing do you mean the liquid from the slow cook?

  14. #14
    Member Tristan's Avatar
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    I have the rabbit pie recipe out of the speights cookbook if anyone wants it?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tristan View Post
    I have the rabbit pie recipe out of the speights cookbook if anyone wants it?
    Yes please! The more recipes I get the better.
    kiwi39 likes this.



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