As requested, here it is!
Now you will need a meat grinder of some description, i use a cheap 20$ hand crank variant that does the job just fine![]()
I suggest using duck breast, about 85% meat and 15% fat (remember duck is very fatty) save the excess fat for roast potatoes!
8 medium potatoes, peeled.
500g of ground duck (veal, pork, chicken, beef, anything works here but duck is by far the winner)
1 large red onion, chopped
2 eggs
Bread crumbs ( i highly suggest panko, you can get them at any asian grocer and they produce a very crispy outer layer)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp turmeric
A pinch of nutmeg
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil for deep frying
Boil some water and salt it heavily add your sliced potatoes.
Heat a small amount of oil in a pan, over medium heat fry your onions (handy tip: add a pinch of salt to the onions to help draw out the water and help the frying process)
Once your onions are translucent, add your ground duck and spices and fry until nicely browned.
Mash your potatoes as smooth as possible NO LIQUID! you want a dry mash.
Now for the tricky bit.
Place a piece of cling film down and add a dollop of potato, squash it into a disk and place a tablespoon of the meat mixture in the centre, use the cling film to wrap the potato around the meat and then use your hands to form a ball.
Beat the eggs and add about 1/2 a tsp of salt, this helps break down the proteins and make the eggs stickier.
Coat your Kroketten in the egg and then in the bread crumbs.
Place on a baking tray and put in the freezer for 30 minutes or until it firms up.
Get a pot of oil on the stove at medium high heat until it reaches 180 degrees.
If you don't have a thermometer flick some crumbs in the oil and if it sizzles violently then it's hot enough.
Add your Kroketten one by one, carefully. Increase the heat to compensate for the temperature drop.
Fry until golden brown and crispy.
Serve with mustard.
I hope this is what you're looking for![]()