Ahh Mahi Mahi - we tried that just recently in Tahiti
On Moorea Island actually - cooked by a local in a little side road cafe - beautifully cooked with local Beer and - yes very nice Fish
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https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...ef9e56310d.jpg sweet & sour fish . Wasn't to shabby at all
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For me it goes deep sea fish eating quality
...Gemfish/Bluenose Tied first, White Warehou second Orange roughy/patagonian toothfish 3rd..... This is all cooked but in another catagory I guess you have to have raw and bluefin is right up there....not fussed on it cooked
Inshore fish Turbot firstplace JohnDory second (never caught either of them myself on a rod) Blue cod third and snapper/gurnard/yellowbelly and greenback flounders 4th equal as good catches are different times of year here.
Raw the top loin of fresh kahawai is bloody hard to beat and pannie snapper raw in a chevichi (spelling?) is bloody good also.
One of my favourite eating fish, influenced by my mother, is smoked ling.
I like an oily fish so quite like warehou. Not a fan of the flavourless stuff that tends to be so highly prized nowadays.
Near total agreement on that, though I don't think I've ever had white warehou.
Gemfish is bloody nice and 'puka a bit over-rated. It certainly keeps poorly even using the top techniques. I prefer to immed bleed fish on landing then straight on ice, vac-pakd soon as I get home. 'Puka need all that red stuff trimmed off, else it taints the white stuff quickly. We recently ate some vac-pakd blue cod that was over eight months old and it was mint.
We had a Pom come out and stay with us in the Marlborough sounds many years ago. We took him out fishing and caught a couple cod and a couple Kahawahai. We had them fillets and in the pan as soon as we got home and were tucking into a very nice fresh feed. He just sat there staring at the fish on his plate and staring at us. We asked what was up and it went a little like this...
Pom: Is this safe to eat?
Us: Yes. Why? I thought you said you like fish?
Pom: I do. But its not right. It doesn't smell like fish.
us: Thats because its fresh.
Pom: I eat fresh fish at home and it smells like fish. this doesn't smell like fish.
Us: Ours smells just like fish that was caught a few hours ago. If you really want it to smell, I can leave it out in the sun for a day, but we dont eat that Sh_t. It smells liek that back "home" because it probably spent a week or three in the hold of the boat, a few days to the shop and a few days at the shop BEFORE you bought it.
He listened, he tentatively tried it and he really enjoyed it. I found out a few years later that he cannot eat fish back home. (Its not fresh enough- It now smells fishy....)
Smoked ling, a dark orange colour on the outside, flaked and cooked in a 'pie' with smashed spud and eggs. Cheese grilled on the top at the end. Usual seasoning to taste.
The lemon fish was great with a gluten free batter (dreamed up in head on the day) with just enough curry powder to give it colour but not much taste.