When dealing with the small fallow a couple of weeks ago I couldn't be buggered boning out the front shoulder/upper legs so chucked them in the freezer. This was done in the knowledge that many people have said to me you don't roast deer! Anyway, there were a couple of lamb flaps in the freezer from the lamb I butchered about two years ago, and thought they could be used to add a bit of fat and moisture. So after defrosting the meat was tossed into a big floured and seasoned roasting bag then into the oven for a few hours. The smells in the kitchen weren't too bad, ...
Out of the oven.
Onto the plate with fresh veg and baked spuds.
Saved a plate for ya' Dundee, ... unfortunately TR beat you to it.
As an aside; does anyone know how to get bite marks out of an oven door? I think we need to get a muzzle for TimeRider!