Pre heat oven to 220c
Small roast from one of the largest muscle groups in the hind quarter of a yearling red hind.
Trimmed and squared up.
Stabbed into center with very pointy and slender knife.
Couple of skinned cloves of garlic and some whole pepper corns poked up hole.
Rubbed all over with oil salt and pepper.
Good heavy cast iron fry pan with 4-5mm of oil heated till smoking and about to burst into flame.
Properly sear all outside of roast.
Will take about a minute on each bit if done right and depending on shape you may have to hold with tongs to get it all.
Into the pre heated (220c) oven touch of oil shut door and turn down to 150c .
40min to 60min depending on size(this one was 40)
Pull it out and rest 5min minimum.(the meat that is but you can rest with a beer too)
Now you can slice.
If it was a nice young animal in good condition and you didn't stuff it up somehow(by cooking it too long usually) it will look something like this and be beautifully moist and melt in your mouth tender.