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  • 1 Post By EeeBees

Thread: St Hubert's Day (3 November) mastellen

  1. #1
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    past the gum trees on your left

    St Hubert's Day (3 November) mastellen

    For weeks I have been searching for non-game recipes for St Hubert's Day...having my little freezer exterminate itself meant that I was forced to share what game I had in there which left me with none *:? * *... I can across one from Belgium, mastellen. The mastellen is historically blessed at the St Hubert's Day mass.
    The buns are worked then a dimple or a hole in the centre is made as with a bagel. *

    The recipe

    500g white flour
    500mls of milk
    35g dried yeast (it sounds alot but it is needed to raise such a rich dough)

    150g butter, softened
    10g salt
    25g caster sugar
    a very heaped tsp ground cinnamon

    1 egg yoke
    3 tbsp milk

    Dissolve the yeast in the milk after heating the milk. *Add a teaspoon of sugar to help it along. * Add the frothing yeast to the flour and knead well...lightly oil the upper surface with sunflower oil and leave to rise.

    Mix the salt, sugar and cinnamon together. *Mix the egg yoke and milk well to paint the tops. *

    When doubled in size, remove from the bowl, and knead and roll out into a rectangle as you would puff pastry...spread out half the butter over the dough and sprinkle on half the cinnamon and sugar. * Fold up and knead until amalgamated...repeat the process, put the dough back in the bowl and allow to rise.

    Grease baking sheets well with butter. * Weigh from the dough 55g pieces, roll into a ball, make a hole or *a dimple in the middle, paint with the egg/milk mix. * Cook for 10 to 15 minutes at 190c. * The dough of the cooked buns is light and fluffy...these would be perfect for mopping up the gravy from a sumptuous saddle of venison or wild boar stew main course.

    I sprinkled extra sugar and cinnamon on the top of these. Makes 24 buns.
    veitnamcam likes this.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...



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