Saltpetre is potassium Nitrate, one third of the components to manufacturing Gunpowder, and a known Carcinogen
If you can avoid using it then good as Our health is the most valuable thing we possess.
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Saltpetre is potassium Nitrate, one third of the components to manufacturing Gunpowder, and a known Carcinogen
If you can avoid using it then good as Our health is the most valuable thing we possess.
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A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Yep well aware of its other uses. Its the only reason i have any(black powder manufacture)
If it is so bad for us you should inform my great grand parents grand parents and so far parents who all but my parents(still living and very well thanks) lived well into there 80s. Only one of these died of bowl cancer all other deaths Attubuted to "old age"
These are generations brought up on bacon an eggs for breakfast every day lard sandwidges for lunch and bloody shitloads of lard or butter on or in anything they ate.
To be honest I am far more concened about traces of poisions in my familys water supply than any dickheads study of ancient preserving methods.
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.