I got a "white" Galloway ( I put white in quotes since it was actually black), as a pet/house cow but it was mad as a meat axe. Jumping fences, and after chasing the TB testing guy out of the yards ( he declared it " too dangerous to test"), I decided it wasn't coming out of the yards alive. A quick call to the home kill guy and an hour later I gave it a 30/30 pill to chew on just before the homekill guy turned up, since I knew if it saw him it would be over the top of the yards and stampeding across the paddocks. Some of you guys will know the look, head up high, tail up and a super mad look in it's eye like it's gonna run over everyone and everything. Anywho as the guy was skinning and gutting he kept going on about what a great eater it was going to be. Well yep, marbling and great fat levels and that was just on grass. Never again, if I go house cow again I will stick to a jersey. Lesson learned