At high school there was kid who had an"American pie" moment with a Swedish exchange student...poor guy saw out his days at high school with the nickname "2-stroke"... sorry funny story that always comes to mind if someone says "2-stroke".
Anyway, I've always had an affinity for proper gas engine 2-stroke engines. My parents weren't rich, so my love affair with these engines wasn't realised until I had an income of my own.
My first purchase was a MX bike. 250cc of craziness!
Then a 12A rotary RX7... technically a "2-stroke". Cheap speed, fun times! And although I'm more into my V8's now, I'm not afraid to admit the odd rotary catches my attention, and makes me smile.
Next was a Kt100 gokart. You'd wonder how a 100cc engine could produce so much power...actually I still do wonder how - absolutely incredible!
Then came gopeds. I have 5 goped sports, all in various extremes from near stock to insanity! This is my dream build...this bad boy will be nuttier than squirrel shit! I just finished the motor today, its a hybrid...I won't bore you with details, but lets just say it will be fast
The expansion chamber is a work of art!
Anyway, the above is the result of the dangers of the internet and a paypal account

... let this be a warning!
Oh and while my wife and three kids are away on school holidays...hell yes this gives me the right to build a gas engine on the kitchen table!