I have noticed that certain brands are definitely much harder lead. For example, CCI std is extremely hard and does not take a hollow point that well. SK match is the softest I have found so far.
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Yeah, interested too but what I would like to see is a set of different profiles - the flat punch looks fine and the hollow point looks great so far but I'd also really like a similar profile to the good old Powerpoint/Subsonic truncated cone. That would be good to see!
Yes, I shoot at the Howick range in Auckland on a Wednesday night.
It's only 25m, but the ammo I'm trying to improve is for 25m. At 25m top quality match ammo shoots a slightly oval hole from my rifle, maybe 0.30" OD. The junk geco I'm trying to improve shoots around 20mm groups, so it should be pretty obvious if the die makes any difference.
I'd might be interested in a sizing die too if you're making a run of them @SixtyTen.
Do some testing and put up a post, would be fascinating to see if there is any difference.
If you can provide some photos of the projectiles your talking about, I'm sure I could accommodate. These are just the first couple of ideas, I plan to try anything I think looks interesting at this stage. Punches are easy to make and I have lots of ammo to test with.
i could well be interested in a set. ll depending on price but the more that do it the better it should get. Less set up time
Any idea how RWS target ammo compares on the hardness scale? Your Eley mushrooms look better than from my hollow pointed RWS rounds, though with different test media and cavity shape it's not really a fair comparison.
Still seem to do the business on rabbits and possums though.
Yes I can't see why not for Lead bullets. Lead hardness would be the limiting factor I think. You would also need the projectile to be supported in the correct diameter die during the punching process. This is basically bullet swaging which is its own art form. Lots of info online if you want to drive in.
I made a swaging press a few years ago and a couple of sets of dies for high BC 400gr parabolic nose 9mm projectiles and a FN .462 for 45/70. Never got either die to work perfectly, it's a very finicky process and the dies are difficult and time consuming to make.
Did you test a few of the flat nose bullets in wet news paper. I'd be interested to see the result if you did.
@SixtyTen - what distance did you check expansion? I might put a couple of my HP'd RWS rounds into some wet newspaper this weekend as a comparison, just for interest.
Point blank. I got an empty beer box and filled it up with soaked newspaper and cardboard and squashed it a bit. I just stood the box on grass and shot straight down into it. Velocity drops slowly on subsonic 22lr. Around 100fps less than MV at 100m for what I'm shooting.