I'll just start out by saying I engaged the FSA before undertaking this exercise and got the green tick, provided this was only for personal use, and not to be sold or given away (I don't have a dealers license).
I took an existing design for a 3D suppressor, and adjusted it so it was more appropriate for a 22lr.
For a sub $10 suppressor, it works rather well. Not the traditional baffle internals, but rather a vented spiral design.
Is it larger than my DPT - yup
Is it heavier than my DPT - definitely.
Does it cost more than my DPT - not even close.
I've thrown 100 rounds through it, and it's holding up well.
I printed it simply because I wanted print something on my new printer, and the starting design was easily available. Printing a benchy is so last year.
As you can see, the majority of the weight is in the side walls. It's a bit of a chonk.
Happy to share the .step file if anyone wants to make one themselves.