Thanks, I'm pretty impressed with it too.
I did put a fair amount of effort into getting it right, it's not perfect but not too bad either
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Really interesting project Makka. I must ask did the heatshrink stick to the epoxy? I can imagine it being a real pain to remove it if so. Thankyou for sharing
Very clever , and very satisfying I bet , I’m impressed
Sure is!
I did a rough sight in yesterday (only had 12 loaded rounds) and knocked over a couple of goats, pretty messy at 150m!
If anyone was wondering what a 75eldm does pushed hard, this is the damage at 150m, guessing ~3000fps impact velocity
Attachment 252642
Attachment 252643
Second shot came down through the shoulder and out just behind the leg, turned everything inside to jelly and sprayed most of it over the grass behind
Pretty effective! Looks like the whole project has come together well, it must be shooting accurate enough too. What's the trigger like? Being a shotgun I figure it must be reasonably heavy.
Trigger isn't too bad, it's actually better than the baikal rifle triggers it have felt. A bit heavy but not much creep, that's a problem for another day, I want to get this firing pin sorted then a few rounds down the tube
thats blardy brilliant.
Cheers mate, not far of beginning its sister rifle too
A little bit more work tonight.
We got the bush almost done, drilled and tapped the old firing pin hole to take a lightly countersunk M4.
Now I just need to file the remains of the screw down flush. Couldn't face it all the way down in the lathe as the face of the bush isn't perpendicular to the thread.
Once that is done we can turn the firing pin down.
A bit of difference between the new 67 thou hole and the original 100 thou hole!
Attachment 253115
Firing pin done, we did both bushes and firing pins while we had everything setup.
Attachment 253303
Did a quick test on a primed case and got a much more acceptable result, even managed to hit the centre of the primer!
Been too busy for fun projects, but managed to get a little bit more done.
Drew up a trial buttcap to make sure the dimensions are right then I will draw one up with something nice on it.
Next time I will do the cap before the stock, then I can get everything spot on.
Attachment 254536
Ignore the bits round the side, they are some more trial ballistic tips for @T.FOYE and his 45/70